Why Eton End?

Eton End is a family school where the friendly, caring ethos goes hand in hand with high standards and outstanding academic success. The school stands for a solid foundation in education yet the importance of a happy and memorable childhood is never forgotten. Our stimulating environment encourages in the pupils an enthusiasm for learning, confidence in themselves and consideration for others. A strong emphasis is placed on good manners and thoughtfulness. 

Eton End School Prospectus At A Glance

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We have the benefit of small classes which allow individual learning and personal attention. Lessons from class and specialist teachers incorporate a wide range of multi-sensory activities and strategies to aid learning. Alongside this we also focus on Eton End’s ‘hidden’ curriculum.  Encouraging the children to be resilient and to persevere, showing self-awareness and an ability to reflect on their progress is key.  Empathising with peers and encouraging others and, most importantly, learning to respect one another. A child’s character and personality is what will make them stand out from the crowd as an adult and at Eton End we strive to develop and nurture our pupils, encouraging them to be individuals.

We are spoilt for the space which our lovely, semi-wooded site affords us; our children play amongst nature and enjoy their breaks from the classroom in an idyllic setting. There are two Tennis / Netball courts and a large field for Athletics, Cricket, Football and Rounders. Our links with Eton College remain to this day and we are fortunate to use some of their facilities to benefit our children. Thames Valley Athletics Centre is very close too and offers a world class sporting facility on our doorstep.


Sporting, musical and dramatic opportunities are vast and pupils have the chance to shine in matches and performances. Art and creativity also feature highly too as we strongly believe they are at the very heart of developing a rounded child.


Broadly Christian in ethos, we welcome all faiths and celebrate other faith festivals. Our aim is to promote an awareness of spiritual values. We consider our morning assemblies to be an integral part of school life as they present moral, cultural and topical themes in a simple and meaningful way.